I went over to the States after I gratuded in 2006. I was working as an au pair for a wonderful family of six. Might wonder why the hell I'm suddenly writting in english. well, it's quiet simple, need to practise my english. I've forgot so much alreday it's scary!
I use to think about them, especilly now, when I've a son of my own. I got a lot of good experince from that time. Now I know what to do and what NOT to do when it comes to raising kids. Most admite there where some things over there in the States that I didn't quiet agree with when it came to raising children. It's quiet different from here really. I didn't know there were so many different ways you could rais kids but I tell ya, I've been proved wrong time and time again.

Well, as I said I spent one year in Cincinnati, Ohio with the Toomey family. Mom Monica, Dad Chirs and their three sons Ryan (12), Connor (6) and Dylan (4). And of course their little darling daugther Caitlin (2 months).

I really miss the States. I loved being over there, I've always wanted to go there and now when I've been spending a whole year over there I love it even more. I didn't even got to see 1/1000 of it. As I said, we lived in Ohio but I also got to vist New Year (we spend the first 3 days in the US on a school on Long Island, to get an education on the American way of rasing kids), Philly, Florida and Chicago. As you see, not many places I got the chance to visist.
A friend and I was supposed to make a round trip once my year was over but those plans crashed.
I've been talking to my man about going back next spring and visit and also go to some other places, like New York and Florida. But then there's the money issue. It's quiet expencive to fly over there and live there as well.
I just want to say that if you're thinking about to America and work, whatever it might be with, I can only say GO FOR IT! I had an amazing time and you learn so much, both about yourself and how other people live and work. I thought all Americans were fat, patrotic, rich people. Can tell you that's not true at all. Americans are extremly friendly. Sure, they really love their country and not everyone even know a country like Sweden excist in the World. But mostly they're just like you and me. They just want a peacefull world where we can all live together.
ps. jag ska springa (haha, det var o ta i, GÅ) vårruset om några timmar. håll tummarna för mig, för jag är så jäkla förkyld att jag blir galen!) ds.